Thursday, February 28, 2008

Intox-I-Rox Eye Candy.....

Our homie schomie Storm Davis laced the extremely dope cover art for the "Stink Talk" release...Big ups to Esh and Ro for their superior modeling styles and DJ AlBums on the photography tip....IF? you haven't snagged it up yet, make sure you follow the link in the previous update.
Our affiliated friends out in Hawaii, Siq Records,headed by Ray Niikura (Mahalo) have decided to expand their free download library by including the Intox-I-Rox record....Word up...good looks to my man Doogie Howitzer for the hook up, indeed.
Speaking of Doogie Howitzer and the Hand'Solo fams out in T Dot, we've been contacted to cough up an accapella for some remix project being put together by their fams DJ Planit, in which we ushered out "The Anti Cymbal Monkey Movement" by Esh featuring the likes of CasUno who combine forces and become The Last Beer.....It's yet another dope joint via Esh's debut "The Of An E.ccentric S.uper H.ero". We'll deliver yall more info as it develops.
For now, walk tall and carry a big stick.

Friday, February 22, 2008

FREE Download EP, CasUno & Rock Solid are Intox-I-Rox Solid...."Stink Talk"

Sorry to blow ya spot like this, bro, but it has meaning right now....This is a picture of my man Rock Solid passed the f*ck out on Esh's couch w/ Darth Vader straight bobbin' for apples on 'em....Heh.....Too much Hennessy too early'll do that to ya.....But wait folks, no longer do you have to suck down that Henny so quick without the proper theme music....Today, we bring forth Intox-I-Rox Solid "Stink Talk", a project put together a month or so before I got married using the many beats Rock Solid has donated to my lyricism over the past 9 or 10 years.....See, most cats just trash it and forget about it, me, I keep every damn disc that has been given to me by anyone nice enough to lace me like that....Obviously the anxiety of getting married is more than enough to bury the most tough of all men alive, so what I did in calming myself down was writing and recording over the person who laced me the most's beats rather than allowing them to rott into obscurity (like so many "MCs" do).....This project serves as the anthem to gettin' ya trashed on....Beyond Crunky Brewster with yours even....No more talk, Rock on the beats, CasUno & friends on the M-I....Missing Ellaments recorded the whole thing at his beloved Melodic Voice Box Recordings (IF? that's what he still calls it) and Gibran came through with the intense clean up of the entire project.....Without any further a do, my download nerds, allow we to present to yall, Stink Talk:

Track listing and what not (No artwork with project, just MS Word document with credits and song list):

1. Intro (Happy Hour)
2. The Illtelligent Regiment
3. A Wasted Walk In The Park
4. Intox-I-Rox-Stramental
5. No Politics (Intox-I-Rox Remix) featuring Missing Ellaments
6. Live From The Hall Of Justice featuring AmsUno & Esh The MonoLith
7. Intox-I-Rox-Stramental
8. Stink Talk
9. Trashish'ed Speech
10. Intox-I-Rox-Stramental
11. Non-Cohesive Comprehension featuring Dirty Ice
12. Passed Outro

Enjoy it or don't, either way it's free 99.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

March 6th is in the mix, come on kick it!!!!

Thirsty Thursday's back with a vengence....
This bill looks to be overly booked, come through for a brew or two and peep the fiasco.....
Should be entertaining to say the least...
Some all too familiar names, some new comers, and some cats from out-of-state....
I have little to no details pertaining to this and found it amusing when the show was first being publicized that we had been left off the bill seeing the coordinator of said show asked both Esh and myself to rock some while ago (longer than others who have been more recently added to said bill).....We might just show up with a chip on our shoulders or in a bad mood or some sh!t ....IF? curious, come through.....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Busy Doin' Nothing....

As the cold sets into our New England nestle, we remain indoors trying to figuire out the best way to make relevant occurances jump off with the quickness.....And procrastinate in the name of fun....
The long and short of things:
It was great to see how many patrons chose to partake in enjoying The Large Professor's DJ vibes this past Saturday. Too bad the Good Life thought there were too many heads in their establishment, as the line of entry wrapped around the block and only slowly allowed said patrons in the place to be 1 by 1....All the while, it was f*ckin freezing outside like you wouldn't believe....LP didn't disappoint and rock shocked some great vibes for all those who attended. I saw mad heads, from the Boston scene and those who originate southward of.....In attendance: Reason, dox, Save1, Ed OG, my cousin Magnum Matty P.I. & Kurt, Mr. Nothing Normal (Awkward Landing), a really greedy prominant Boston promoter, T Scraps (, Statik Selekta, DJ AlBums, and Esh the-flat-tire-getaway-driver.....It's funny that Mr. Jason's (Porn Theatre Ushers) events at the Good Life seem far more successfull and sought after than's FrESH Produce night, and those cats usually run with clothing sponspors and the whole nine......
I guess we're affiliated with a show at the Living Room on March 6th with a slew of local leprechans...We'll brief you better as the time nears....
Esh's project will soon see the light of mastering as artwork is being dilligently gathered and applied in prepartion of said soon to be release.....Enough of the fluff, Esh's project will be the next Labeless Illtelligence release and hopefully we can get back on track in attempting to establish ourselves as a quality music supplier. We'll get into greater detail as the progress on completing this venture winds down.....No time table on indy releases, just makes us look unorganized and inexperienced by doing so and not living up to our end of the bargain.
Word-em-up, stay tuned.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

ESH's Year In Review

This is what I remember of 2007. Nothing is ranked, it's just a list.

Aesop Rock "None Shall Pass"
C-Rayz Walz "Monster Maker"
I Am The Heat "Naked EP"
LoDeck "Behold"
Sean P "Jesus Price Superstar"

No Country For Old Men
The Darjeeling Limited

Flight of The Concords

Civil War
52 (late pass on both)

Other Good Shit:

The Futha Muckin CELTICS!!!
The Patriots perfect regular season
My brother got engaged (good luck Tina, HA!)
My father started writing a book about his life
My mom is is uncle Henry
A good friend had a beautiful healthy daughter
Lisa & Amaya
I finished recording my album!!!
Moved to EP / The inception of Fresh Ear
6 months of free money from the government
Never got that sick
Playing drums @ Deeb's spot
Portland Maine!!!
Bi-Focal Bastards
New Labeless T-shirts
PDP Nothing Stays Gold
Barack Obama starting to campaign
New non-stick pans
The Good Life (sometimes)
The sandwich spot down the street
Getting black out smashed off Johnny Walker Blue at an open bar corporate function (also file under "shit that sucked")
Kicking over a monitor at the Blackstone, watching some corny rap dude pick it up and put it back on stage only to have CasUno kick it back in his face

Shit that sucked:
Getting laid off
Getting kicked out of my old apartment
Oscar the cat from the dementia ward making national news (Stay the fuck away from Nonna!!!)
The Red Sox (sorry ya'll, I was born a Yankees fan)
A birthday infused with three 7s not resulting in good luck
The electric company getting wise to my scheme while I was in NY
No one started saying "the double Oh 7" (Bums was the first I heard)
Certain plans never manifested (those who knows, knows)
The 8am meeting at work after the Johnny Walker incident
HoodStock (Not the strongest year, my bad D)
Dane Cook not getting punched in the face

More pros than cons...good year.