Friday, June 17, 2011

CasUno's For The Children? Word? Aight. IF? you say so money....

Once again the educational and mentor Gawds of New England have summoned upon he who hath spill unfiltered truth to the new age youth....

I'd like to thank the students at the John T. Nichols Middle School in Middleboro, MA & my good friend Natalie Laperiere for allowing me the opportunity to tell teenage patawans how life is not cotton candy, roses, unicorns, and glitter.... Especially in a realistic make music context.... Well.... For most of us anyhow, no matter how hard most cats front....

Anyhow, I was kinda surprised on how up 13 year old middle schoolers are in regard to musical historicals and key facts elder heads might assume they know not of.... I was also surprised only 2 kids raised their hands when asked IF? they knew who Odd Future is.... They knew some Michael Jackson and RUN DMC though!!! (Even up on what tapes & records are!!!)

Big ups to the 2 gals that not only wrote a rhyme for me to take home (autographs included!) but spit it to me live in unison!!! Best line ever, "Bored chillin in direct study, My friend Jocelyn's gonna teach us how to Dougie in her snuggie".... What!!! When 13 year olds are asking my grown up ass "What's good, B", it's kinda weird.... Word.

I forgot to take a pic with the class because I babbled all the way 'til the bell rang...
But here's some frESH literature I now own as a result of this experience:

I went to grab some tree after I bounced. My gunja man told me he thought the 2 "obligations" I tended to today and the order in which I made appearances was nothing less than completely inappropriate...

"I'm a f*ckin' walking paradox. No I'm not." (Yes I am.)

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