Saturday, December 31, 2011

The (Year's) Last Word....

That's my brother DJ Deano Brown pictured above.... As a result of supporting said brethren Friday night at the Po' House in New BedRock I have left myself in no condition to drink on this Eve of New Year('s)... Indeed I'm mid-30s with seeds & sh*t, but believe it or not, a few heads asked the Gawd IF? I was interested in "popping by".... For that I am appreciative yet still not budging from not having any sort of "taste" for alky-hol.... The rest of yall partaking in amateur night for far taller dollars to get into the same watering holes yall frequent weekly can call earl (& not 9-1-1!!!) whilst engaging in activities most inappropriately associated with yuking & wake up tomorrow with sharpie marker 'staches and beards scribbled 'pon ya face....

This was too hilarious to not share.....
Cheese wizz grin on some '88 jeep beats with bangs butters & a kicks "quiver" that puts some grown men's to shame...

I haven't reported to my bill money maker in over a week with a few mo' days to basically continue the day long tree ingestion & absolute gorging of way too many forms of good food..

Word to holiday eats like a futhamucka this year yo.

I'ma try damn hard to conjure up a top fever records of 2011 list to toss up 'ere when I can.
Yall be Peace...

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