Monday, January 25, 2010

January Last Words....Dead Wordz Even!!!

So before we exit the 1st month of the new year, we hadda scream "Happy B Day Esh" as today is his born cypher.....
Some of us got up with him Saturday and got shitted at a few of our local watering holes....
I left when I found myself "fist pumping" and dancing extra hard to house music..... (Yeah, that's what usually goes down after a few too many...minus the fist pumping, someone got me started on some Jersey Shore sh!t and I went with it. I hope people at the club realise I'm being a sourcastic f*ck when I'm in their world adapting like that. Actually, I don't care IF? they do. Sh!t's funny to us!!!)....Big ups to our buddies that came out and rocked with we in the name of Esh being a year older.....
Beards, bra!!!!!
Why is Dox always doing the scream face in flicks?
Why can't my daughter not get cookies all over her face when injesting Oreos?
Who knows.....
Next month; Ish gets really real for a second.
Stay Tuned......
OH! & R.I.P. Apache, you were more than "Gangsta B!tch" to the people that banged ya album when it first dropped!!!

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